This is a great example of a much-recognised programme that began in 2016, as a collaboration between Saint-Gobain and Sisson Associates. Ziesa provides for this programme the expertise around fitness and exercise and the power of these elements for life, work, body and mind. The programme continues to run across many sectors of Saint-Gobain and continues to produce life-changing results. Here is an overview of that programme.
The purpose: to develop a sustainable culture of wellbeing, led from the top of the organisation and owned by all leaders at all levels, aligned with the wellbeing strategy Fit 4Work, Fit 4 Life.
The methodology: To align with the business strategy around wellbeing and leadership, a consultation and mind mapping exercise took place and the draft, the tailored programme was put together.
Key elements:
The inclusion of a personal trainer to test each leaders’ starting point on their fitness numbers
The inclusion of the health numbers (measured by Axa , company health care provider)
Use of the Zeisa platform for personal communication, motivation and continual online support, through regular communication and an online personal trainer
The inclusion of expert speakers on the key subject matter, i.e Leadership, mindfulness, fitness and exercise, the psychology of sustaining change and sleep, understanding mental health and mental health issues.
The programme:
Designed to be a blended learning experience, the programme runs over 20 weeks and includes four face to face workshops. The content is directly designed to address the issues identified in the pre-programme diagnostic survey.
The workshops are a mixture of input, group exercise, alignment with current business challenges and practices, and action focused outputs and commitment to change. The messages target three levels: individual, the leadership and the organisation.
The feedback from Directors:
‘a superb programme, it has changed my thinking and my approach to my own health and wellbeing. I have applied a number of the techniques with my team and they have spoken about the difference it is making for them’
There was an improvement in wellbeing scores of participants from the pre- and post-pilot assessments.
“Objective for Fit 2 Lead in business development – to provide our senior managers with tools on how to manage the stress and pace of business without damaging their health or family life. Key business impacts so far – attendees are eating better, exercising, and sleeping better, and in turn, are better at work.”
“Personal perspective on the programme, as a participant and as a leader –the programme’s tools on mindfulness, sleep and nutrition have been hugely valuable to enhance these core beliefs.”
Mark A. Rayfield, CEO, Building Distribution
In March 2018, the programme was highlighted in ‘People Management’ as a key initiative for bringing the wellbeing agenda to senior management in order to influence culture from the top down.