60-90 minute live online presentations designed for a larger audience with a managed Q&A at the end
£350 per session: 60-90 minute live online presentations designed for a larger audience with a managed Q&A at the end
COVID19 has forced us all to rethink our way of living, working and being. There can be positives that come from this. We may not automatically need to find our way back to the ‘old way of doing things’. Use this time to press pause, reset and refocus on what’s possible, and not automatically go back to what we were used to. This session will explore:
60 – 75% of the UK population are extraverts, having a preference for socialising. They may thrive by bouncing ideas off each other during their working days. Remote working may feel exactly that, remote! For others, working at home in isolation may be exactly their preference, thriving in a quiet space, no interruptions, working at their own pace and time.
There is a subtle difference between stress and pressure, we are sometimes unaware of when we reach our own ‘tipping point’ and the unsustainable level of pressure tips into a stress state, which, if unchecked, is not good for our wellbeing. What do we need to be aware of?
Great leadership principles still apply for remote workers in exactly the same way they are necessary for your office-based teams. In some respects, there are more critical issues to consider, to ensure your remote team continues to feel engaged, valued, motivated and supported when not in your line of sight. This session will explore:
Stress is one of the largest contributors to absenteeism and staff turnover. This session will offer an understanding of how our brains respond to stress and anxiety, as well as their limiting effects on sleep and our ability to function optimally in cognitive tasks such as problem-solving and creativity. Evidence-based psychological theories such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), along with practical tools will be explored to enhance emotional resilience and performance.
Why is it that we sometimes find ourselves engaging in lifestyle habits and behaviours that are unhelpful in the long term and ultimately contribute to our daily stress? This session will draw on a psychological understanding of how habits and ‘crutches’ that we rely on to cope can move us away from our values. Practical guidance on techniques such as mindfulness will be introduced to support you in the recognition and pursuit of what’s important to you.
Positive psychology involves shining a light on the capabilities and values of a person and their working environment, rather than focussing on what’s ‘wrong’. This session will support you in identifying your own unique character strengths and what you bring to your current and future sphere of influence. It will also provide guidance on how to build a workplace environment that caters for your basic psychological needs and fosters intrinsic motivation, growth and positivity, even in the face of a very challenging climate.
Humans have an innate attraction to the natural world. Time spent in natural outdoor environments is scientifically proven to result in physiological and psychological benefits, such as lowered blood pressure and improved mood. Informed by mindfulness and ecotherapy, this session will introduce activities to support a deep and restorative connection with nature. It will also advise on the various wellbeing benefits of bringing the outdoors into the home and workplace.
People spend a great deal of time identifying areas for development. But why is it that the goals we set for ourselves and others are not always realised? This session draws upon psychological models to understand the process of behaviour change and the pivotal role of self-regulation. Practical solutions to facilitative turning intentions into lasting change are discussed.
Research shows that mindfulness can be a great tool to improve emotional wellbeing, stress and sleep. This session will introduce the concept of mindfulness, explore the neuroscience behind it and provide the opportunity for guided mindfulness practices. Practical exercises and ideas about how you can incorporate this practice into your busy, day to day lives will also be discussed.
Sleep is amazing! It is the foundation of great physical and mental health. It enhances memory, decision making and performance, it helps us to feel happier and less anxious. Getting the right amount of high-quality sleep can mean the difference between living life at the top of your game or struggling with fatigue and brain fog. In this session you will learn:
This session will take its audience through an overview of the huge impact of lifestyle, exercise and good routines on our mental and physical wellbeing and our quality of life. Past attendees have frequently voiced the assertion that applying good practises learnt in this session have enabled them to deal far more successfully with periods of great change and increased pressure. The session will explore the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of well-chosen exercise routines and their impact on the body now and in the future as we age. It will finally discuss hydration, sleep and nutrition and how doing the right things now will optimise how your body and brain perform for you in your current and future life.
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