About us

Oxygen mask
Life as a corporate being can leave you fried, frazzled and uncertain. After 17 years in senior management, Cathy, now Head of Ziesa, was feeling the pinch. Work and family came first, always. Actually looking after herself was way down the list. She was sitting on a flight to a holiday and idly listening to the cabin crew explain that you need to put the oxygen mask on your self before helping others. A rare moment of ’Eureka’ occurred. ‘Oxygen mask on me first… I have to look after myself before I can look after others’.
Healthy living
Ziesa takes the ethos of switching to a healthier lifestyle that benefits everyone. We work with business and corporate entities around the world to build conferences, workshops and extended programmes. To communicate the needs, the benefits and the methods of shifting towards healthy living.
Who are ziesa?
The two Directors of Ziesa are Cathy Mansell and Martin Norton. Cathy, inspired by her newfound health kick took the opportunity to leave the corporate life at Yell and retrain as a Personal Trainer. That was ten years ago and since then she has built The Personal Fitness Company which supports around 500 clients with 8 Personal Trainers and 3 Sports Therapists. Cathy met Martin in 2012. Martin’s company develops websites and applications and together with a network of health professionals and advisers they built ziesa-online to support our clients. Partaking in our extended programmes with bespoke exercise videos, healthy living articles, fitness trackers, food diaries and direct, one to one communication and support with their PT.
Why did we call it ‘ziesa’?
The company had to be called something that would work at an international level. We didn’t want to make the same mistake in translation as Ford motorcars did (their ‘Pinto’ means ‘bandit’, or worse, in South America). Something descriptive would fall short on translation and so back in 2012 we made up the word ‘ziesa’.
The changes we see
The massive bonus in all of this, for us, is the differences we get to continually observe when we see the change in individuals mind, body and appetite for life, with our clients, whether corporate or private
At the end of the day, if you value your people. If you genuinely want to help them be stronger in mind and body, fitter, happier and more engaged both at work and at home, then get in touch and we will help you to find the best way to achieve your goals.
Practice what you preach. Martin and Cathy stopping for a selfie during a 7 mile training run up and across Froggatt Edge in Derbyshire. January 2019.