Weight management

Live keynote presentations with a managed Q&A towards the end of each session

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‘Eat your week’ – on a budget

The ever increasing cost of food means many of us feel the pressure to buy cheaper, more convenient foods. The issue is – these often do not seem to be the best for our health. Learn how to eat well, and healthy, on a budget. Practice tips and recipes included.

Do you have a midlife tyre that you just cannot shift?

Weight gain around our middles can creep on over time, but it doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of ageing. We know carrying weight around our middle is really not great for our health. But tackling our weight can feel like a big mountain to climb. Let’s break it into small pieces together and meet your goals.

Eating well in your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s

Our bodies, lifestyles and minds have different needs at different stages of our lives. Feed your age more effectively and healthily by understanding what you need when.