Stress and anxiety

Live keynote presentations with a managed Q&A towards the end of each session

  • Subjects

  • Presenter

  • Themes

Managing the conflict in our lives

What prevents us from having those difficult conversations at work, at home and with our friends? This session will explore the story we tell ourselves and how we can build the confidence to have those necessary but difficult conversations.

Do you constantly strive for perfection?

How often do you achieve perfection in all that you do? How does it make you feel when you fall short? What is the impact on those around you? In this Masterclass we discuss the implications of the drive for perfection and the impact it has on our wellbeing.

Maintaining your emotional resilience

We all face stress and pressures in our day to day lives. How do you deal with them? In this Masterclass we explore what negatively impacts our resilience and the techniques we can adopt to build our resilience and enable us to best meet these challenges.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace incorporating Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia

This session provides an insight into neurodiversity and the conditions which sit beneath this umbrella term, along with the associated strengths and needs. We also discuss more broadly the role of reasonable adjustments in the workplace and the importance of inclusive workplace culture.

Finding fulfilment in the face of challenge

Introducing and developing the ‘choice point model’ touched upon in the previous ‘Stress and Anxiety’ session – a model that can help make the best choices for lifestyle, relationships and personal fulfilment. This is a practical session with Dr Cooley guiding you through the choice point model and how to integrate it into your thinking and actions.

Sleep, the Elixir of life. How to improve quality and quantity.

Ensuring that you get enough sleep is hugely important to both our physical and mental well-being, Whilst we are asleep are bodies are busy recovering from one day and preparing for the next. Tune in for an overview of what happens when we sleep and why it is so important plus all important advice on diet, good habits and supplements to help you switch down for a more restful sleep when your head hits the pillow.