
Live keynote presentations with a managed Q&A towards the end of each session

  • Subjects

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  • Themes

Managing the conflict in our lives

What prevents us from having those difficult conversations at work, at home and with our friends? This session will explore the story we tell ourselves and how we can build the confidence to have those necessary but difficult conversations.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace incorporating Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia

This session provides an insight into neurodiversity and the conditions which sit beneath this umbrella term, along with the associated strengths and needs. We also discuss more broadly the role of reasonable adjustments in the workplace and the importance of inclusive workplace culture.

Menopause: The What, the Why and the How to Thrive

This is a talk for men and women alike- even if you’re personally not going to go through the menopause, the women around you are!

The menopausal transition is a process which often spans several years and whilst it is a natural phenomenon it doesn’t mean that it can’t be really tricky to navigate. Tune in for an overview of what happens to hormones around the peri-menopause & menopause plus all important advice on lifestyle factors, HRT, supplements and herbal remedies as well as tips on how to support colleagues or loved ones as their bodies adapt to the ‘new normal’ of life during and after the menopause.

Making effective change

How to start making small wellbeing habit changes and making them stick. Why we tend to put things off that we know are good for us ? Why we end up doing things that we know are harmful or make us feel bad ?

How to use your understanding and knowledge of the people around you to develop healthier outcomes

This session will help you identify and understand the many different ways in which we all ‘tick’ . From communication, to values, to priorities – being able to recognise what’s important to an individual in your network will help you navigate better relationships.

Understanding how neuroscience can influence organisational leadership

Brain imaging technology shows that social experiences elicit the same neurological responses as physical threats and rewards. This workshop covers the social domain that elicit these responses in the brain and offers tips on how to engage with more positive communication styles.